The FACT of the matter is that MOST of the original firewall pads are destroyed, way beyond other materials and items in the car. They were not meant to be salvaged or reused, and due to their organic nature, simply don't or didn't last. You have an exceptional car. That does not mean the quality of the firewall pad is any good. I've seen many exceptional cars with cracked and trashed firewall pads. I stand by my assessment.
I do hope you will DRIVE your car to PUB this summer, right? Many of us would like to see this car...
Sorry, the pads I've seen that are beat up, usually have a pretty tired looking engine compartment too, not to mention the rest of the car, unless the car was restored and the pad unchanged.
No, I won't be driving my car to PUB, not because I wouldn't drive it, but, because I won't be at PUB. Gernold has seen the car, you can ask him about it. I believe Alfred has seen it too.
I've already put 500 miles on the car this spring/summer, should hit 1500-2000 for the season, and don't forget, it has 152K on it, including the 4K I've put on it since buying it. Still hasn't been washed with water, though.