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Electrical and Instruments / Re: automatic return of windshield wipers
« Last post by loic on Today at 15:23:02 »
This is not about the return location. It was the windshield wiper that stopped anywhere on the windshield. I have reread the technical manual carefully. After verification and deduction, the problem could only come from the electrical harness. And I found. In fact the connector on the motor was oxidized. So I cleaned and everything works now. THANKS.
Il ne s'agit pas de l'emplacement du retour. c'est l'essuie glace qui s'arrêtait n'importe où sur le pare-brise. J'ai bien relu le manuel technique. Après vérification et déduction, le problème ne pouvait venir que du faisceau électrique. Et j'ai trouvé. En fait le connecteur sur le moteur était oxydé. J'ai donc nettoyé et tout fonctionne à présent. Merci.
General Discussion / Concours/Resto Mod Restoration Shop
« Last post by RamAir on Today at 14:29:26 »
I have a 280SL that is a solid original body and chassis that has had an older cosmetic restoration. My client is interested in having the car restored to concours condition with modern upgrades similar to what Mechatronik is doing in Germany with installing an AMG V8. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Electrical and Instruments / Slotted nut. (Speedometer problem)
« Last post by loic on Today at 14:11:24 »
Seen on a message : "my speedometer needle was somehow moving and we determined that the problem was probably that the slotted nutslotted nut that holds the driveshaft flange to the transmission had become loose." It's my problem.
Question : where is this slotted nut. Can you post a photo. and how to tighten it. Thanks
Puisque vous êtes un participant à part entière, vous avez accès au manuel technique et au système d'essuie-glace et son emplacement de parking est bien couvert.
Since you are a full member, you have access to the technical manual and the wiper system and it's parking location is covered nicely.
thanks for the replies.

i went out before work on a very humid morning and found that the disti had popped out of the drive gear.
this is using the 123 clamp which is thicker than the oem.

will swap back to the mb clamp and try again.

now i am wondering if there is a memory in the 123 that needs to be cleared since it did work for a few minutes.
Have you tracked the other end? Maybe someone installed the vacuum line attached for the body vacuum port - just easily connect vacuum gauge?
I always get confused with TDC...compression stroke

Found this to be useful:
For timing, the #1 piston at TDC on the compression stroke is the ONLY thing that matters. Note in the simple instructions on the link above, one of the first things they are having you do is ensure you are on the compression stroke.

If you are on the exhaust stroke (or "other") I don't think you'd see the marks line up on the balancer as it would be 180 degrees out...right?

When using a timing light after the fact--engine running and all that--you may find that the numbers and timing are hard to read. With the engine stopped and in near TDC position, best to clean the markings area and maybe highlight with white crayon or similar so you can better see with the strobe...
The line -I believe- is supposed to go to the distributor to provide the vacuum for the ignition advance function. Should be longer and not have a screw in it!
Do you have a vacuum line on your distributor, and if so, where does it come from?
Hello everyone. The speedometer needle was unstable and the meter was noisy. I had the meter repaired and the cable changed. The noise has disappeared but the needle is still unstable. The problem should come from the gearbox side. What solution and what parts can be changed? photos would be welcome to show the mechanism.
Bonjour à tous. L'aiguille du compteur de vitesses était instable et le compteur bruyant. J'ai fait réparer le compteur et changer le câble. Le bruit a disparu mais l'aiguille est toujours instable. Le problème devrait venir du côté boite de vitesses. Quelle solution et quelles pièces peuvent être changées? des photos seraient les bienvenues pour montrer le mécanisme.
Electrical and Instruments / automatic return of windshield wipers
« Last post by loic on Today at 12:30:09 »
Hello everyone. The windshield wipers work well on both speeds, but there is no automatic return to rest position. They stop anywhere on the windshield. Is the fault to be found in the relay or the windshield wiper motor? THANKS
Bonjour à tous. Les essuie glace fonctionnent bien sur les 2 vitesses, Mais il n'y a pas de retour automatique en position repos. Ils s'arrêtent n'importent où sur le pare-brise. La panne st à chercher  dans le relais ou le moteur d'essuie glace? Merci
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