Presented my 280 SL for the 'controle technique' (France) today, so I can have it titled in France. Good news: only remark on the report is a small oil leak in the differential. Bad news: I couldn't get the car to start after the test was completed! This intermittent non-start problem has been plagueing me for years now, but today it was the worst it ever was, car wouldn't start for the life of it. I installed a new (extra HP) starter last year, hoping that would cure it but alass no.
So I tried the sure-fire (pun intended) fix: running a wire directly from the battery to the starter solenoid. Car started right up. So next stop is installing a fail-safe starter button to override the starting circuit when necessary, while I figure out which system element is at fault: ignition switch, immobilizer, starter safety switch, wiring.
Tomorrow off to get my French registration, yahoo!