Nothing confusing on this data card.
Hans is right - again, as usual.

The option code 41/5 or 415 if you prefer to say so
means the car was delivered with hardtop on but without softtop.
this is not a 41/7 car then, the so-called 'California-Coupé.
This car here has got 41/5, that means hardtop on, without softtop but with (empty) softtop compartment.
No softtop does not mean automatically that the car was always a California Coupé.
The 41/5 option was pretty common in the old days.
While I do not have an exact number of how many actually,
but this code 41/5 can be found quite often on datacards.
Many of these cars were retrofitted with a softtop later on during their life
- either a new one
or a used one from a (most likely poor 230 SL) donor car.
That's why used (and good) softtops are so rare for the Pagoda - and so expensive.
Not so for the W107, they cost far less than a fifth of what a comparable W113 softtop would cost you. Because all W107 SLs (the R107 cabriolets) had softtops, there were no exemptions. That's why the ST is not rare there.
In summary,
there were
two option codes for a Pagoda without softtop:
41/5: car with hardtop on and with regular softtop compartment, but empty. Thus, no softtop colorcode on the datacard.
This option was available for all three Pagoda-SL versions: 230 SL, 250 SL and 280 SL
41/7: car with hardtop on only, but no softtop comparment. Instead, rear seat bench.
These are the so-called 'California-Coupés'.
This option was available only for the 250 and 280 SL
but not for the 230 SL.
It is all that easy to read datacards - and understand.