SaturdaySept 28
After a nice lunch yesterday (Friday 27th) in St Luis I had a very light supper in Oklahoma City.
I’m making good time, I don’t know if it is the fun this SL is to drive or if I’m getting better with age.

Speaking of age, this trip is also to celebrate my 82 year on this planet. What can I say in the 25 + years that I was in business I spend a lot of time on the North American roads (in Canada and the US), there was never enough time for fun. Now finally there is. Somehow my Pagoda keeps me young as does this DD. What a blessing to be able to have fun now and feeling younger then one is.
I am in Texas now and have past the halfway point. I shall slow down a bit for the second half. I tried to attach some photos this morning it was loading for ever then got lost all together, I will try again. If it does not work i’ll Do it later when I find a better connection.
Looks like the photo download worked, however I was only allowed to attach 3 photos,

no wirries i’ll find a way around this ~grin~ The pictures are hand painted on the floor of one of the Rest Stops.
To be continued
Cheers, Dieter