I put the door handle on the drivers side as it was the most used door and I kept pulling the old arm rest off trying to close the door. An alteration to practicality.
Good point, Garry...,
If you like to have the grab handle on the
driver's door as well...
... why not using the same assembly as on an early 230 up to VIN 000915?

This means you place the large & wide grab handle from your right door back to the passenger door to where it belongs (the screw holes are still in the door frame, don't worry) and put an additional hardtop handle on your driver's door panel.

That one is smaller/flatter and you have a better clearance (= more space) for the steering wheel-turning-hand without touching the handle. The large (and incorrect) one is too close to the steering wheel and even worse ... missing on the correct (passenger side) door.
See attached picture (car of Chris & Norbert Becker, Germany)

Looking forward to meeting you soon in Alsace!