Author Topic: w113 and w111  (Read 6790 times)


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w113 and w111
« on: January 06, 2010, 10:52:47 »
okay I'm new here

and after a long time and alot of $$ spent on watches  (mostly AP royal oaks and on pateks if anyone likes watches) still have them all and plan on keeping them all

I'm now back to my other passion classic cars and nothing appeals to me than a Mercedes from the 60s

i have in the past have owned 2 w111 3.5 coupes and a 356 Porsche c coupe in Irish green

just got my third 3.5 coupe and i love it a lot the color is DB 467 and i was lucky to have the gear on the floor which people have said is a better gear, not sure about that and why..

the reason for me posting about this is i really want a pagoda to... but there is a problem and i need a bit of help

the drive isn't no way near as enjoyable (to me) as the joy of driving the 3.5 coupe

both cars look amazing, i was in London recently and saw a few padoga's and each time one passed i had to stop and look at it till i couldn't see it anymore

so i really like the shape and look

but the driving feeling isn't as good as the 3.5... i have driven it a few years ago just before i bought my 3.5 and my 356 and it felt the same, i did drive one a few weeks ago and it still gave me that cold feeling

i have to say both 280 SL that i have driven were in very good   condition id say 7 or even 8 and non of the 3.5 coupes that i had or even this one is perfect so id say they all were in similar condition  but I'm no expert when it comes to car mechanics to be honest

maybe it has to do with the car suspension or the car size I'm not sure

but please help me understand so i can buy one soon

thanks and sorry for such a long post


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Re: w113 and w111
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 12:55:52 »
I have both, w111 coupe (six cylinder) and w113, you are right the ride that you get on a w111 is much more comfortable than w113 but don't forget w113 is a sports car versus a touring car the sl is a lot rougher ride mostly due to shorter wheel base. I really don't think you can compare the two, at the time of production the coupes cost almost twice as much as Sl's so that tells me that w111 were meant to be a luxury car and the evidence is very clear, interior is all leather, lot more wood & much more.

Mechanically, with the exception of the engines they are very similar, engine of a 3.5 is a bit more complicated than the six cylinder, I would say if you were able to manage taking care of a 3.5 a w113 will be somewhat easier.

Finally, there is nothing like driving a beautiful convertable  on a nice day, especially in a nice warm climate like Dubai.

Hope this helps!


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Re: w113 and w111
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2010, 22:20:58 »
I have a 230SL and a 280SE4.5.  The 4.5 drive is pure luxury, smooth and fast.  The 230SL is very nice also but completely different ride.  I always wanted the convertible and finally got this one last year.  I think you will love it also, sporty and fun to drive.

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Re: w113 and w111
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2010, 12:13:29 »
Now that's what I would call a luxury-problem. As mentioned in the previous answers, we're talking about two very different cars. Before buying my 230 SL I owned a succession of British cars such as Spitfire, MGA and TR6 - compared to those great sportscars, my Pagoda feels like a limousine...
Keep the coupe and use the Pagoda for sunny days, enjoy having two such amazing cars in your garage - they surely would complement each other nicely... ;)
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