Here is the 3D file to go with Gary's documents. This should aid anyone who would like to build one for themselves. There are minor differences on that way it was constructed but the measurements are the same.
There are two files attached.
Center Console 2.skp - Use for playing around and adjusting the dimensions and geometry.
Center Console 2.stl - This is the file that is created from the skp and used for actual 3D printing.
Download the Google Sketchup file attached (skp) to you computer. Then load up Sketchup Web on your computer by going to: the "orbit" tool (marked by red arrow in picture) to rotate the console around in 3D. You will have fun just playing around with that

Technically, the stl file could be be 3D printed as is. However, it has not been tested. Try at your own risk and cost. I have heard the pagoda console boxes can be slightly different sizes so you might have to make easy minor sizing adjustments to the file. I can help with that if necessary. Since the file was designed from Gary's wood box (Home Depot/Lowes hobby parts) both he and I agree that it could be optimized for 3D printing. Smaller thickness in some areas will reduce printing material.
This is the console box only. It was designed for a specific 108 armrest cushion. You can easily create your own cushion/lid. It was designed to fit Gary's box with the defroster switch in it. Again, adjust the length measurements accordingly if doing a wood box without defroster or adjust the 3d file.
Have fun.