I feel that I am somehow being pointed out here since I own a SL 63 AMG ... I therefore like to clarify the following.
1) I always loved the Mercedes, my dad owned one until it was taken from him in 1944 for the war effort. I was 7 at the time and remember the day as if it was yesterday.
2) I first saw a Pagoda in Montreal Canada in 1965 (I immigrated to Canada from Germany in 1957). I knew the Manager at the Montreal Que. dealership since I visited that dealership quite often to admire the cars. When I saw the Pagoda I fell in love with the car. The Manager let me take one for a test drive along the Trans Canada highway. Since I could not afford the price it had to be put on the back burner until such time that I could afford it. That time was 2013 when I found a suitable 280SL from a multi millionaire here in London, Ontario Canada.
3) I became a Full Member here in 2013.
4) since 2013 I attended the following Pagoda SL Group Events ..
A) The Ontario AUTOBAHN Event east of TORONTO (my Pagoda got 1st price - judged by a judge in training)
B) The Virginia 50 Year Pagoda Event (my Pagoda got 2nd price Peoples choice).
C) Two Pagoda SL Group Events in Blacklick Ohio (with my Pagoda)
D) The Virginia Pagoda SL Group Event (with my Pagoda)
E) The Mosel Tour Event in Germany (as a passenger in a Pagoda from Heinrich B. Member of Pagoetreff.de)
F) A German Car Show in New York State (with my Pagoda - it was the only Pagoda on the field)
G) The 2018 French Euro Event (Garry Marks and I drove Andrew T. pagoda that he so kindly offered us)
H) PagodaFest in San Diego (I used my SL 63 AMG - Driving along Route 66, I did not want to expose my Pagoda to this 9,749 KM round trip).
I) Yearly Car Shows here in London Ontario (with my Pagoda - only a 15 minute drive for me, events are every Thursday in the Summer).
I enjoyed each and every event and must say the Pagoda Events are getting better every year!5) I only used my SL 63 AMG once (when I combined the trip along Route 66 to PagodaFest H above),
6) when I put my name down for the 2020 Euro Event my plan and hope was to be able to secure a passenger seat somehow. I then noticed from Rick’s post that I was not selected since I did not receive a request for down payment and according to Rick’s Post the 2020 Event is fully booked. I communicated with Rick via e-mail(s) and let him know that I fully understand that the Event Team prefers Pagoda cars after all this is a Pagoda SL Group Event.
7) I do plan to attend the Polish Event (I have been planning this for several years - also from my East German education I still speak some Russian since it was at that time my second language). My Polish Event trip is dependant upon finding a passenger seat - two of our Members are looking into that possibility for me. If I am unsuccessful to find a passenger seat, then I just will attend local events this year.

I have no plans to join a SL 63 AMG Group for, I found the Pagoda SL Group Even and consider it one of the best car groups I’ve come across.
9) perhaps in a few years I will ship my Pagoda to Germany and take an extended vacation around a timeframe when a Europe Pagoda Event is planned.
Sorry for the long write-up, however, I do have friends here in the forum and just wanted to clarify and to avoid any misunderstandings.