Author Topic: Project W111 1970 280se coupe questions  (Read 4502 times)


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Project W111 1970 280se coupe questions
« on: July 26, 2010, 00:08:28 »
Project W111 280se is pretty close to completion. I'm down to some final details that would be easier if I could find another low nose 1970 6 cylinder automatic coupe or cabriolet to reference.
One of the the areas I need to reference is the correct position of the horns and the wiring associated with the harnes for the auxillary ac condensor fan. The postions of the 6 cylinder and 3.5 horns are different. See attached picture.

Another area that I have to figure out is the correct position of the wiper motor linkage. Everything was out of the car. There's a bit of grey area for me on where the sweet spot is for the linkage when hooking it up to the wiper motor. 

I would love to find the exact wiring diagram for the car. The car in reference would actually be the Cabriolet chassis number 111 025 12 004122 which is where the harness and driveline originated from. My Benz workshop manual only shows 1 diagram for the 280se. The diagram doesn't match up with this car's setup. Mind you a 69, 70 and 71's are all somewhat different.

I'm down to a few questions on the harness before I power the system up. I would love to find someone who has a similar car to somehow reference. Thanks to all who have help guide me in the right directions to make this project a success.


Peter Perry
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