Author Topic: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group  (Read 60187 times)

Benz Dr.

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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #50 on: May 13, 2009, 03:33:47 »
So, what I'm kind of reading is that the site and the tech event that we have right now, already meets or excccedes the mandate set out in our mission statement. Do I have that right?

If so, we still have a little ways to go in terms of fufilling our objective. To say that, '' Hey, you can get everything you need from your local XYZ club. '' kind of makes it makes it sound like we expect everyone already IS a member of said club, or clubs, and so they shouldn't expect anything more from us. People who want to be part of this ( 113 group ) should always strive for more in the interest of growing not only the membership of the pagoda group, but also what the club can become to many different people.
I really don't see why we can't have it all. Great tech event every other year, and a convention type of event in the off year. Hopefully, in time the two can be blended into one event not unlike the way the 190SL group does theirs. 
1966 230SL 5 speed, LSD, header pipes, 300SE distributor, ported, polished and balanced, AKA  ''The Red Rocket ''
Dan Caron's SL Barn

1970  3.5 Coupe
1961  190SL
1985   300CD  Turbo Coupe
1981  300SD
2013  GMC  Sierra
1965  230SL
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Peter van Es

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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #51 on: May 13, 2009, 07:19:10 »

I think that this group was set-up with international membership, and with a focus on the use of internet in mind. Remember, it started when a bunch of early members of the Yahoo group list felt that they needed more control over their destiny. Read:  Most members derive sufficient value and sufficient social interaction from the forums, Pagoda World, Pagoda Notes and the Technical Manual. Why? Because the membership of this group shares knowledge freely, and that's valuable. The mechanisms we have created fulfill that knowledge sharing need sufficiently.

Sure, we could strive to make it more of a social, meet one another in person group, with frequent events. That might seem to make the group more inclusive, but I actually think it would make a lot of members feel less part of the group: those unable to attend these events. To give you a concrete example: do you really believe a Dutchman would have spent hundreds of hours building a website and a technical manual for a group that would be North-American based primarily, with North-American events only, and also happened to have a website? I don't think so.

So our internet centric focus must remain. Our drive to share knowledge via Pagoda Notes, Pagoda World is essential. Our inclusive, world-wide nature is also essential. It's part of our original charter.

That's why I argue that I encourage everyone to join a local club. For Pagoda SL Group it can never be the main goal to be an events centric group, like the 190SL group is... which is very North American and very different in nature to us.

Again, as I said, I encourage everyone to organise local events, and to invite as many Pagoda SL Group members to them.  I also organised an event in the Netherlands a few years ago and invited all Pagoda owners I knew. I attended an event in the UK. Every year a number of us meet in the Technoclassica in Essen. PUB is great, and I will really enjoy going there, but Joe and Mary Alexander rightly invite everyone they expect to have an interest, not just Pagoda SL Group members.

I wholeheartedly agree with Garry, and Bullethead, and 69280sl. Dan, just don't try to make the Pagoda SL Group like the 190 SL group... they are not the same. If you don't agree with me, don't vote for me for the board!

1970 280SL. System Admin of the site. Please do not mail or PM me questions on Pagoda's... I'm not likely to know the answer.  Please post on the forum instead!

Richard Madison

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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #52 on: May 13, 2009, 10:40:29 »
Comparing 190SL owners and Pagoda owners can be difficult. Attitudes can be quite different.

During the Summer of about 2002, I was driving up New York's Husdon Valley in my '71 280SL when I happened to see a fair number of 190SL's on the grounds of West Point, the military academy of the US Army not far north of New York City.  I drove in and asked if I could park and look at the cars.

Dan Caron was one of the organizers and invited me to park (slightly away from the 190's, of course) and look around. This was all before this website and this Pagoda Group was formed.

I admired the enthusiasm, the energy, the dedication of the 190 SL owners. I approached another organizer, Jim Villers (who was one of those rare 190SL owners who also owned a Pagoda.)

I said, "Jim, I'd like to see something like this for Pagoda owners."  Jim suggested that the 190 SL was a collector car whose prime purpose was to attend events like West Point. Pagodas are different, they are cars that can be driven everyday and some owners are less interested in car shows. He said that trying to organize a group of Pagoda owners would be  like "herding cats" (his exact words.)

Well, not too long after, due primarily due to the Herculean effort of our President Cees, the cats were finally herded and this Group was born.

In a small way we tried to duplicate the 190 SL event with our own gathering at West Point in 2004. Some of you were there and had a wonderfual day with about 20 Pagodas. We did not have the formal evening dinner or the other events of the several day 190SL meeting but we did enjoy lunch and a drive along the Hudson to Cold Spring...and we did not have a car that drove across country to attend the event...there were several 190 owners who drove very long distances to attend the 190 event.

Each Mercedes car model and its owners have their own 'hot buttons", some technical and others more nostaligic and historic.

I enjoy this Group because it is a mix. We have threads here about the arcane route of a wire from one mystery place to another and also threads about the number of Beige cars. I think we should keep it that way and let let each take from the buffet of offerings whatever he/she enjoys.

Richard M, NYC
1969 280 SL, Tunis Beige, Euro Model (Italy).


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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #53 on: May 13, 2009, 12:06:05 »
There is no local group here, that I'm aware of.

Milwaukee, Wi.
Enjoy some pictures at this link:

John - Wisconsin
1967 Early 250 SL Red/Caviar, Manual #1543
1961 190 SL 23K miles
1964 Porsche 356
1970 Porsche 911E
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Benz Dr.

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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #54 on: May 14, 2009, 01:29:02 »
 You know, I'm not even sure what to say or that I should even say anything.

I will say this though. You people don't know the 190SL Group. I'm not sure what you think is going on over there or how it's run but it's fairly clear that you should take the time to find out. They've had people rebuild their engine right at convention so they certainly do cater to the tech side. In fact, that's why all these specialy clubs exsist and one of the rerasons they're around in the first place.
They know that their wives and kids would like to go to convention too. You can see other parts of the world and who better to show you around than the host who lives in that area. And, they also travel to other counties with their cars. The club doesn't decide where to have conventions - that's up to the hosts.

The 190SL Group has about 800 members at 35.00 bucks each and they have somewhere around $100,000.00 in the bank. They have their own books, tech manual and a host of other things. I'm not sure why Jim doesn't tell you more about this stuff since he runs the book store over there.  They have a national convention that moves from place to place every year and it's also been to another country. They have a newsletter that comes out quarterly. They have official status as a MB club from MB. I think it's just under 25 years as an organisation. I say that's pretty good value for 35 bucks.....

But it wasn't always this way. There was a time, a few years ago, that the membership was about equal to today. A series of events ( that I don't fully understand ) led the club to near ruin. The new board put it back together and made it the most sucessfull MB club in north america - all done in about 10 years. It's the club others wish they could be - except for here it seems......
1966 230SL 5 speed, LSD, header pipes, 300SE distributor, ported, polished and balanced, AKA  ''The Red Rocket ''
Dan Caron's SL Barn

1970  3.5 Coupe
1961  190SL
1985   300CD  Turbo Coupe
1981  300SD
2013  GMC  Sierra
1965  230SL
1967 250SL
1970 280SL
1988 560SEC


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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #55 on: May 14, 2009, 02:43:35 »
I know the 190 SL club, I'm a regional VP, Midwest, and board member.  Just a couple of facts to straighten from above.  Jim Villers runs the club store that also sells the club books and he is a club board member.  The newsletter is bimonthly.  There are both national conventions and now, national tech sessions (I hosted 2008).  I'm not aware that the club convention was in another country, but do know that club members joined a convention hosted in another country.

I think your points are well taken Dan, that the outline of the mission of the 190 SL club is very much like that of the Pagoda club, after all, it is the INTERNATIONAL 190 SL group.  The execution of that mission is what you are trying to highlight and the success that the club has had in merging diverse interests into a cohesive set of planned events.  This is not to say that the 190 SL club is without fault and cannot benefit from fresh ideas, as most all clubs can.

Joe Alexander is familiar with the 190 SL Group and conventions.  In fact, in Lexington, when all the gearheads were puzzled over a vexing issue on a club member's car, it was Joe, when all were scratching their heads and provided him the opening, who seized the moment and did a little old school magic to resolve the issue.  And, as he slipped away into the sunset there were those who asked, "who is that man?"

I can say with fair certainty that in this club the conviction for club sanctioned and organized events, other than PUB, is weak.  Show me some enthusiasm here in the Midwest and I'll put together a social, tech event at Black Forest that all attendees will remember.  There is no reason that under the umbrella of the Pagoda SL Group that American, German, Italian, Dutch, English, whatever can't be organized, open to ALL members, of course, yet more conveniently attended by those closer to the event host.   Yes, the frequency and size of events will probably correlate to size of where the membership lives, but hey, that's life.  We can always enjoy the pictures and descriptions of the event on this website.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 02:53:52 by thelews »
Enjoy some pictures at this link:

John - Wisconsin
1967 Early 250 SL Red/Caviar, Manual #1543
1961 190 SL 23K miles
1964 Porsche 356
1970 Porsche 911E
1991 BMW 318is
1966 Jaguar XKE
1971 Alfa Romeo GTV 1750


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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #56 on: May 14, 2009, 05:39:04 »
I get a feeling that we're not all listening to each other.

I think that this group was set-up with international membership, and with a focus on the use of internet in mind.
So our internet centric focus must remain. Our drive to share knowledge via Pagoda Notes, Pagoda World is essential. Our inclusive, world-wide nature is also essential. It's part of our original charter.

Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think anyone is suggesting we limit any of the following:
  • the international nature of the group.
  • the charter of the group.
  • the free exchange of ideas and knowledge through the internet.
  • the existing level of social interaction within the group through the internet.

To give you a concrete example: do you really believe a Dutchman would have spent hundreds of hours building a website and a technical manual for a group that would be North-American based primarily, with North-American events only, and also happened to have a website? I don't think so.

I think everyone here is a very aware of and grateful for all the hard work you've put into the club website. Again, as far as I am aware, no one is trying to make this club a "North American" one.

That's why I argue that I encourage everyone to join a local club. For Pagoda SL Group it can never be the main goal to be an events centric group, like the 190SL group is... which is very North American and very different in nature to us.
I wholeheartedly agree with Garry, and Bullethead, and 69280sl. Dan, just don't try to make the Pagoda SL Group like the 190 SL group... they are not the same. If you don't agree with me, don't vote for me for the board!

No one here has suggested we become "events centric". I don't believe the 190sl group is "events centric" (but not being a member of that group, I think others are in a better position to make that determination). Last I checked, the 190sl group is also an international group. However, no one here is suggesting we become like the 190sl group.

I think there are a number of us who would just like to see more events organized and sponsored by the club, but that is a far cry from an "events centric" club. We are still an international club of pagoda enthusiasts bringing together our passion for the car, and freely exchanging our knowledge through the club website.

Sure, we could strive to make it more of a social, meet one another in person group, with frequent events. That might seem to make the group more inclusive, but I actually think it would make a lot of members feel less part of the group: those unable to attend these events.

I disagree with that. I'm a paying member of MBCA, and I have no problem when there is some event I'm unable to attend due to logistics. I just simply wait for the right one at the right time in the right place. I don't think it's right for me to put my foot down and say that no one else should meet [under the aegis of the club] unless I can also join in the fun. I believe in live and let live. I support the 113 club because I derive enjoyment from participation and would like to see the club grow and prosper. Along the way, I hope to participate in as many forum threads as possible, attend as many events as possible, but I will not harbor any resentment for not being able to do so.

Quote from: Garry
Further into the Home page it states
"The purpose of the Pagoda SL Group is to facilitate the sharing of information and to encourage communication among enthusiasts related to the Mercedes W113 cars. The Club seeks to assist with the care, repair, restoration, collection, and preservation of these classic cars."  It also states that the group helps facilitate the "in-person events related to W113 Pagoda cars including car shows, technical sessions, track events, and others for W113 cars"

Its an International Group but most people who are members of this group, if lucky enough to own a Pagoda (or 2) are also members of local car clubs specifically designed for gathering and rallying, That is not the primary intent of this group.

Lately, everyone seems to like quoting sections of our charter. It's like a Rorschach test! We all see what we want to see. When I read that quote above, I think I see a little passage saying that the group helps facilitate "in-person events related to W113 Pagoda cars including car shows, technical sessions, track events, and others for W113 cars". This to me sounds like a great way to enhance the membership and broaden participation from the group. Again, as far as I can tell, no one here is advocating changing the club to an "events centric" one, or making "gathering and rallying" the primary intent.

However, what is wrong with occasionally also gathering and having a car show with only pagodas participating? (I said "only pagodas", not "only pagoda owners"; not trying to exclude anyone). For example, when my restoration in complete, I wouldn't mind putting up my pagoda to see how [poorly] it competes with Michael Salemi's 280sl, or John's (thelews) 250sl. If I want to go see how it competes with a BMW 2002, a Karmann Ghia or a '65 Mustang, by all means I'll enter some local competition. But that's not as valuable. Local judges aren't that savvy about our cars. But if our club is doing something like this on a semi-regular basis, and judged by our deep pool of pagoda talent, I get to compete with other pagodas (and man, would that be a cut-throat competition). The points [deduction] sheet from something like that would be far more instructive than some backwoods judging sheet where they don't have a clue about our cars. This info would be far more information than I could gather at an informal meeting. Can you imagine how quickly our pagodas would improve? (if we chose to compete, of course). That, to me, is also a really good way to enhance appreciation for and knowledge of these cars.

Quote from: Garry
But when you get back to the stated purpose of the Group, sharing information and encouraging communication among enthusiasts for the W113, together with in-person events, then this forum already not only achieves but far exceeds its purpose 100%.

Again, I don't see anything in the "stated purpose of the group" that conflicts with or is hampered by adding an official event.

It sounds to me that Dan, John, and I are all in general agreement: we all wish for a main event, sanctioned and sponsored by the club. However, John is also making the very astute observation that perhaps the typical Pagoda owner is not yet ready or motivated enough to make these events happen. This is where I think the support of the club is needed. Once we gain enough momentum, these things will happen. If it doesn't happen, c'est la vie. It's not the end of the world. We can always try harder next time.

Quote from: 280SL71
I enjoy this Group because it is a mix. We have threads here about the arcane route of a wire from one mystery place to another and also threads about the number of Beige cars. I think we should keep it that way and let let each take from the buffet of offerings whatever he/she enjoys.

Richard sums it up well. I just think we should add some more items to the buffet menu. The tent will only get larger.
Waqas (Wa-kaas) in Austin, Texas

Peter van Es

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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #57 on: May 14, 2009, 09:07:03 »
Ok, I think we're all violently agreeing... it's just that we have different views on how it would make members feel and if we can herd this group of cats... And yes, the 190SL group calls itself International, but that does not make it international. We have 1/3rd of our paying membership outside of North America.

Let's put it to the test. I think we have two volunteers (Waqas and Dan) who are keen to organise an event in 2010. My recommendation: choose a location in North America (like the 190SL group did with Yellowstone) that has sufficient independent appeal to attract foreign visitors. Find a local member who knows the region to supprt your efforts. And then build the event!

In addition to a concours, I'd like to see a TSD (time-speed-distance) rally or other classic navigation rally... I'm willing to be a navigator for anyone! Involve a local club to create one in the area and allow other classic cars in the region to participate.

I can't promise to bring my car across, but I'll bring my black tie for the convention gala night!

« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 09:10:55 by vanesp »
1970 280SL. System Admin of the site. Please do not mail or PM me questions on Pagoda's... I'm not likely to know the answer.  Please post on the forum instead!

Benz Dr.

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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #58 on: May 14, 2009, 15:35:58 »
The 190SL Group sent about 9 cars to Itally last year ( I think ) and some members went to OZ for a big ralley there. I think part of that trip included a boat ride to Tasmainia.

 The group came to Canada about 10 years ago and had their convention at Niagara on the Lake which is not far from the falls. Anybody would like going there.....

Waqas pretty much sums it up. I never said we should be the 190SL Group and only used them as an example of what good planning can bring. Believe me, they're international and they're definately gear heads. Probably worse than this crowd or at least just the same.
1966 230SL 5 speed, LSD, header pipes, 300SE distributor, ported, polished and balanced, AKA  ''The Red Rocket ''
Dan Caron's SL Barn

1970  3.5 Coupe
1961  190SL
1985   300CD  Turbo Coupe
1981  300SD
2013  GMC  Sierra
1965  230SL
1967 250SL
1970 280SL
1988 560SEC


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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #59 on: May 19, 2009, 22:56:10 »
I haven't read much of this thread but I suggest the club to find other ways to generate more revenues such as more ads or increase the membership dues.  With an increase in revenues, the club could focus (and maybe hire personnel) to beef up the newsletters, website content and/or a getting a published Pagoda technical book.  I'm a member of various clubs such as the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America, MBCA, 190SL Group, to name a few.  They seem to have more "stuff" (club magazines with alot of content, events, etc). 

I know that may be asking too much.


Michael Lara
1969 280SL 4-spd - 717 Papyrus White w/ Blue MB-Tex (unrestored)
1986 560SL
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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #60 on: May 19, 2009, 23:07:42 »
Keep the suggestions coming!

Personally, I would prefer we not increase the dues. I'd rather that we find ways to increase the value of club membership, in order to increase the number of paid subscribers.

This is not necessarily a chicken-and-egg problem. We, as volunteers, are in the key position to bootstrap the process.
Waqas (Wa-kaas) in Austin, Texas

Peter van Es

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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #61 on: May 20, 2009, 08:14:32 »
In my opinion the club's finances allow it to run as we do at the moment very comfortably. We do not need more income. However, if we were to hire someone to produce newsletters etc we would suddenly need a lot more income... that would mean more members, higher fees etc. I doubt it would work.

What we do notice is that this club has run with essentially the same (small) set of people doing all the tasks. These volunteers are -- justifiably -- not always able to devote as much time as we would like. So new volunteers are needed.

After the recently completed elections we have three new, enthusiastic, competent and interested people on the board. However, they can't do it all by themselves. They need help. If you are able to help (write articles for Pagoda World or Notes, work on bits of the Technical Manual, help arrange events) then please step forward and let us know.

Just as an aside on the Technical Manual... despite promises of over 20 people to contribute and help out, in reality only 4 or 5 people contribute regularly to the Technical Manual. The Wiki has been designed in such a way that once the content is in a reasonably good shape (have a look and tell me if you think it is getting there... in sections it is, but there are still some large gaps) we can produce a print copy without any further editing being required.

Money is not the issue, hired help is not the solution: it needs us -- the enthusiasts who know these cars -- to put the information in the Tech Manual. Funnily, most of the information is already available... it's in the forums. It needs collecting, editing, removal of forum fluff, and insertion into the Tech Manual... you don't even need to be an expert on the topic to be able to do this, you just need to be handy with information, the forum, and an editor. So why do so few people come forward to help out?

1970 280SL. System Admin of the site. Please do not mail or PM me questions on Pagoda's... I'm not likely to know the answer.  Please post on the forum instead!


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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #62 on: May 21, 2009, 05:02:55 »
This website and group is THE Pagoda resource for me, great technical help, nice people and interesting topics.  However, I also really enjoy meeting up with other Pagoda owners, comparing cars and going for drives.  So for the last 5 years I have maintained an email list of owners here in northern California.  I found people in these forums, at MBCA events, car shows, etc.  I know Richard Madison has one for New York owners too. 

We've had a few events and joined in on many of the First Sunday Drives sponsored by MBCA every month.  What I have found is that, unlike yours truly, many of them don't check this site all that often  :o and may not ever venture into the Events forum.  But people do tend to respond to email and we've had some pretty good turnouts (12) for some of the events.  I also keep a list of local mechanics and other resources for our cars that people have recommended both to help each other and to help keep those guys in business. 

I learned the hard way that trying to get everyone to agree on a date or location for an event is hopeless.  But if 2 or 3 guys can come up with an idea and invite all the others, it works pretty well.  I usually try to send out an email well in advance and then a few reminders as we get closer to the date.  It takes some effort, but it is worth it.  Give it a try!


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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #63 on: October 15, 2010, 12:58:49 »
Just came across this rather old thread, but if wanted, I would be more than happy to establish a Facebook-page/group for our community. This should in no way replace any of the functions of the website, but merely give highlights to important updates such as new additions to the tech. manual, events etc. Besides this, it could also be a nice opportunity recruit new members and to put faces on all the existing names here - hence the name Facebook...

What do you guys think?

1965 230 SL in silver (DB180)
1982 Land Rover Series III SWB
2008 Jaguar XF 3.0
2005 Mini Cooper

Larry & Norma

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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #64 on: October 15, 2010, 13:02:08 »
Go for it - can't do any harm can it?
Larry Hall (Gnuface)
2023 Ioniq6
2005 C230
1970 280SL

Peter van Es

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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #65 on: October 15, 2010, 13:30:53 »
It exists already:

However we don't own it, so it's hard to link it permanently to our site!

We can occasionally post a link to our site on the wall though

1970 280SL. System Admin of the site. Please do not mail or PM me questions on Pagoda's... I'm not likely to know the answer.  Please post on the forum instead!


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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #66 on: October 28, 2010, 18:01:59 »
I'm a member of that one already and have actually posted the link to this forum on the wall. But having our own page/group would be a nice way to put faces on some of the names here. I'm not sure how popular Facebook is around the world, but here in Denmark almost half the population is on (2,5 million out of 5,5 million). I would primarily regard is a way to recruit new members, sharing photos and for "light conversation"

It will only take me about an hour or two, and I'll post the link here when done


1965 230 SL in silver (DB180)
1982 Land Rover Series III SWB
2008 Jaguar XF 3.0
2005 Mini Cooper

Jim Donati

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Re: Taking stock of the Pagoda SL Group
« Reply #67 on: October 28, 2010, 18:42:54 »
I like your idea.
