Author Topic: Headlight to Body Seals - a Reflection on Sourcing  (Read 2153 times)


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Headlight to Body Seals - a Reflection on Sourcing
« on: September 29, 2017, 15:58:20 »
Not a very original topic, but I thgought I'd share.
I needed to replace my seals. Looked at SLS price and Mercedes price. MB was 3 times higher. Someone mentioned on the Forum that SLS were ok. I went for the cheap.

They arrived, I replaced them and then went to the computer, went into EPC and ordered a pair from Mercedes.

I have picked them from the dealer and installed today. It was a pleasure to do it. Nice and soft. Everything fits.

Dumped the SLS ones. Made of some hard plastic. Do not fit to lamp. You have to cut them yourself in fact. As they are hard, lamp does or does not fit the car. Nightmare. Sent good two hours trying to make them fit.

280SL 1970 automatic 180G Silver
W128 220SE
W121 190SL