Author Topic: Mercedes Freude  (Read 3214 times)

Jonny B

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Mercedes Freude
« on: September 29, 2022, 19:58:07 »
To all - The Mercedes Benz Club of America is hosting the club national event at the end of October. A part of that event is The Debüt at the Classic Center. A bit of a different kind of car show.

The event is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday 29 October. You do not need to be a member of MBCA to participate. Please note this is at the new Classic Center in Long Beach CA - 3860 N Lakewood Blvd, Long Beach, California 90808

Here is the link for registration:

As for the show itself here is what we are about:

This is not your normal car show! Are you ready for some fun and interaction? Do you want to leave the Q-tips at home? Had enough of score sheets for the year? If the answers are "Yes!" - we have the car show for you.

The most important criteria is to be ready to move around and talk with people, preferably those friends you just have not met yet.

For this car show, we have two classes -
Class 1 - Cars 25 years of age and older
Class 2 - Cars 24 years of age and newer.
Pretty straightforward we think.

Check out the awards! - Be sure you will be ready to do your best:

Best "Trunk or Treat" display
Top 5 in each of the two classes (criteria - car we would most want to take home)
Car driven the furthest to the event (trailering does not count)
Best dressed driver/owner for the period of the car
Driver/owner that looks most like their car
Best display of memorabilia (ads, books, special promotional items, etc)
Oldest car
Most novel car gadget
Car sat in by the most people
Hard luck award (trouble when getting to the show)
Special surprise award(s)

Judging will be completely subjective, with judges conscripted during the week of the event. No experience judging is a plus.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2022, 22:20:18 by Jonny B »
Jonny B
1967 250 SL Auto, DB 568
1970 280 SL Auto, DB 904
1966 Morris Mini Minor