« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2009, 21:13:08 »
Once you get the outer vinyl off, you likely will still have the adhesive residue. I like Goo Gone for that. Works fairly fast, and I have yet to see it damage paint. I would not use nail polish remover, which is usually acetone and can dull the paint. Good luck!

Brian Akre
1967 230 SL, U.S. spec, 050 White, Black top, 116 Kaviar interior, #17,030 of 48,912;
1997 SL 500 Sport, U.S. spec, 269 Tourmaline Green, Parchment interior, #145,506 of 204,940;
1991 Nissan Figaro, Emerald Green, #15,717 of 20,073;
2014 VW GTI, White, daily driver