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Off Topic => Way Off Topic => Topic started by: 66andBlue on June 12, 2010, 03:33:07

Title: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: 66andBlue on June 12, 2010, 03:33:07
1. Who will win Saturday's game between the USA and England?
Anyone hoping for a repeat of the 1950 game?  :o :)
2. Which teams will make it into the final 16?
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: Garry on June 12, 2010, 05:54:53

If we didnt have to play Germany first up I would have rated our chances of getting thru the first round better!!! :(

Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: J. Huber on June 12, 2010, 14:28:29
A tough one for me to predict. First because I don't follow the players or teams at all like I would NFL, NBA or MLB. Second, although I am an American, I have some Royal blood on my "Mum's" side (aways back but I sometimes find myself wishing we had a Queen Elizabeth around here...) Then again, Dad's Grandpa came from Switzerland... Grandma from Prussia. My car came from the Netherlands, hmmmm? I guess I'll go with Brazil!

(Eng 2 -US 1)
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: 66andBlue on June 13, 2010, 00:40:31
your genealogical heritage matched the game. ;D
Well, it was almost back to 1950,  perhaps both teams will make it into the next round.
the German team is not what it was 4 years ago but they should limp in.
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: mdsalemi on June 13, 2010, 11:34:31
I predict the goaltender for England will need a body guard(s) and perhaps being invited to the US Federal Witness Relocation Program (football division) in order to lead a normal life.  He's probably already all over the infamous tabloids, and since the hooligans were kept at home...I fear for the poor chap.
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: jameshoward on June 13, 2010, 16:30:38

(Composes oneself) In the spirit of cross-Atlantic friendship (I don't have shares in BP...) at least get the terminology for the worlds most popular game correct:

Not 'goal tender,' but 'goal keeper.' Although in Green's case, I'm not sure that applies. And yes, he got a savaging in the tabloids. Rightly. He should throw himself on his sword. Or off Table Mountain. Anything.

Separately, the 1950 game is much talked about. I was unaware the US had a team in that world cup, although I suppose since they'd been 'on tour' in France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, etc in the preceding 6 years, it would make sense that they'd picked up a few tips along the way....

Best of luck to the Americans, I say. I'm sure England's team of multi millionaires will fail utterly and still get richer.

Alfred, I think the smart money's on Spain or Mexico. Whilst the German team isn't the geriatric side it was 8 years ago, I don't think it's up to snuff. At least that's my wifes' view and since she's from HH I'm not one to argue. The Australia game will be telling.

Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: 66andBlue on June 13, 2010, 22:36:13
.... Separately, the 1950 game is much talked about. I was unaware the US had a team in that world cup, ....
James, that's because you weren't born yet.  ;D
I would not bet my money on Mexico, but Spain - yes, and I want to see how the Dutch play in their first game. And I have to agree, there was nothing geriatric about Germany's play today - probably because they left Michael Ballack at home!

Sorry Garry, it looks grim indeed. I was surprised how out of shape the Socceroos (- who invented that name??) looked already before they were forced to play with 10 men - which was way to severe for what actually happened.
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: mdsalemi on June 13, 2010, 22:40:45
Goal keeper, goal tender, net minder...we just call em goalies. ;)  But hey, I think the point was made...

I can tell you that this is a vastly different game on the professional level than I see here (USA) with club teams and high school...the latter is actually a much faster and far more intense game.  I watched a few moments of Germany/Australia and darn near fell asleep.  Maybe a fluke.  Nobody seems to be running, and that's about all they do in club versions here.
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: 66andBlue on June 13, 2010, 22:59:42
...   I watched a few moments of Germany/Australia and darn near fell asleep.  Maybe a fluke.  Nobody seems to be running, ...
Michael, "nobody running" ??? Are you sure you watched the game - or was it the halftime babble?
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: J. Huber on June 14, 2010, 01:45:40
Is it just my TV or do the games always sound like a swarm of bees are invading the stadium? Deutschland made it look easy today.
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: Garry on June 14, 2010, 01:50:14
Oh dear, I think Australias chances of advancing just hit the Wall so to speak ::) ::)
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: jacovdw on June 14, 2010, 09:31:15
Is it just my TV or do the games always sound like a swarm of bees are invading the stadium?

No James, it is not just you.  ;)

What you are hearing is not a swarm of bees, but a rather annoying plastic trumpet called a vuvuzela...

Yes it is VERY loud and tests done during friendly matches before the worldcup started revealed intensities above 100dB.
Something uniquely South African and a prominent sound at all local matches.

Having watched the Germany vs Australia game last night, I think that these vuvuzelas should be banned from the matches as the constant droning is rather irritating. I'm sure that most of the locals would disagree with my statement...
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: mdsalemi on June 14, 2010, 12:11:37
Michael, "nobody running" ??? Are you sure you watched the game - or was it the halftime babble?

Perhaps I watched merely the few minutes when Australia had given up; and Germany confidently was biding time.  Nobody ran, no shots, nothing near the goal, and I've broken more of a sweat typing this.  It was merely an exercise in skilled passing.  I went outside as my daughter asked me to throw the football around with her...
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: Peter van Es on June 14, 2010, 13:42:25
That's where you're wrong: we don't throw balls, nor do we run around with them.

By the way, the Dutch sucked today against Denmark. Then again, both the Dutch and the English have a habit of making similar snide remarks about a bunch of over-paid millionaires chasing a ball half-heartedly.... I mean, why should they?

Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: jameshoward on June 14, 2010, 16:14:37
That's where you're wrong: we don't throw balls, nor do we run around with them.


Clearly not a rugby fan then, Peter!!
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: Peter van Es on June 14, 2010, 20:48:56
I'm not even a soccer fan... I play field hockey (when I'm not rallying old cars) although I know most of the world thinks that's a girls game) but I'm now getting on the "fairly old"  side for that game.

Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: mdsalemi on June 15, 2010, 18:44:51
AHA!  I knew I wasn't crazy...

Imagine my surprise this AM when I finally get to the back sports page of the Wall Street Journal (arguably not the world's best source of sports writing) and see this:

Now I don't know if anyone can get to that link w/o an online account, but in case you can't, the article is called "The Fading Art of Goal Scoring", and goes on to mention the paltry amount of action in the world cup games.  At the time the article was written, there were only 18 goals in 11 games.  I've seen that in one game (sad to say...) at the non-professional, club level!

So, my observation of considerably more action in [11 year old girls club soccer in the USA or varsity high school] is probably accurate!  :D
Title: Re: FIFA World Cup predictions
Post by: 66andBlue on June 25, 2010, 20:50:05
2. Which teams will make it into the final 16?
Who would have predicted that Slovakia, Japan and South Korea make it into the final 16?
Who will make it to the semi-finals?  Vote here: