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“W11x chassis cars” are making a mess of the W113 forum

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I find that the posts of “W11x chassis cars” are making a mess of the W113 forum lately.
When reading “Show unread posts since last visit” it is now polluted with all kind of posts of W11x. 

Is it possible that a reader can block a topic like “W11x chassis cars” such that it will not appear in “Show unread posts since last visit”?

Would be nice, Peter

I assume you see the same or similar window as I do that shows all the new threads.
Why not simply open those that you want to read and when you are done mark all the others as "mark all messages as read"? That way you can avoid the W11x contributions as well as others you don't care about.

Come on. I have a W111. i don't have a W113. It takes me 10 secs to scan the unread posts and decide what i want to read and what I want to ignore. It's not that big an issue.
Most of us are on here for help/advice with mechanical or electrical issues and much of it is common.
This truly is a great site and i will try and help anybody who asks if I think I can (even Colin Fearns). I agree that the W111 crowd have certainly come to life recently (particularly in Australia)....but as long as the posts are appropriately categorised what is the downside?
A big thanks to Dan Caron, Joe Alexander and Pawel66 who always try to help us out too.

I joined this site in 2007 and became a regular contributor because the technical information and people here are second to none. Yes, I own a W111 car and contributed to this site long before there was a W11X section. Not once during that time or after have I posted non-W113 info where it wasn't appropriate. Why did I stay? Because these cars have so much in common that I was able to learn volumes about my W111 and still do. I have also contributed back to those with W113 cars and hopefully have helped them as well.

I have noticed the the traffic in the W11X section has increased significantly lately and maybe now that is an issue. Yes, this is a W113 site and I think the owners of W11X cars have and do respect that. The last thing anybody wants here is a political issue that interferes with knowledge sharing and the better good of this site. I think Alfred's solution is doable and I avoid reading topics that do not interest me now. However, whatever the board decides is what is going to be the best for this site and I will still continue support SL113 as I have for 13 years.     

Way back when this was proposed, I was not much in favour of mixing W11x with W113 data.  At the time it was decided to make it a seperate section and from then there has been a great exchange of information flowing both ways.

As one who reads every post, to moderate if needed, i have noticed the increase going more to very specific W111 related questions and answers, however, clearly our Australian W111 owners are doing some restoration work that will generate the traffic but will reduce as the vehicle is brought up to scratch.

As Alfred said you can just avoid opening the W11x topics if you don’t want to read them.

There was a Board Meeting phone conference this morning that I was unfortunately unable to be part of but unless there has been a Board coup, there was nothing on todays agenda nor planned on W11x to change the way we are operating.



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